Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Hurt

It's been a tough week...

  • Wednesday, track workout.  I did well, but my legs were very sore for days.  
  • Friday, tempo run.  I was supposed to do 9 miles, but could only muster 6 miles.  I'm blaming my soreness and the heat.  It's good to find excuses :P
  • Saturday, Grouse Grind with my girls.  They both hit PBs of 1:09 (R) and 1:10 (C)!
  • Sunday, an 18 mile run
  • Tuesday, BCMC trail solo.  ~1 hour
  • Wednesday, track workout again

Why do I put myself through this?

I sometimes wonder what makes me tick.

I'm pretty sure I'm not "normal".  I don't wear that label with honour, it's just a fact.  I don't make an effort to think different.

I do know I am willing to take some risks if the downside is pain.  I enjoy going mountain biking on the edge of my skill, I like to push my luck snowboarding.  Injuries?  Hmm... two sprained ankles, broken fingers, broken hand, 2x bruised ribs, and of course countless bruises, cuts, and a few near concussions (i.e. strained neck from my head hitting the snow so hard).

I view life as a collection of experiences, not a collection of goods.  The saying, he who dies with the most toys still dies, strikes a chord with me.  Sure, not all experiences are pleasant, but from each new one, you learn some.

But what is the alternative?  Biking or riding at a leisurely pace???  I've tried and just can't do it, it's too boring.  I don't understand why people hold back.  If I'm in something, I'm in.  In for a penny, in for a pound.

I am different.  I accept pain and discomfort as a price to pay for living life.  So yeah, I hurt, but I have no regrets.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fun Time is Over

Time to get serious.

I've been a ramblin' boy for the last few months.  But I am settling down more trips to the Amazon, no more visiting family back East during a heat wave, and certainly no more poutines with mushrooms and onions (Mmmm!)

I'm running a better now than ever before.  I ran a PB mile recently and have had strong track workouts since.  I know I have my work cut out for me in order to still push it to get my BQ in Victoria.  

My weight is the biggest thing (pun intended) I need to work on.  My VIM weight was 144, I'm now 148.  Four pounds may not sound like a lot, but carrying it for a 26+ miles is another matter.  I'd like to hit 144 again for Victoria, but I won't complain too much if I can even hit 142.

My strategy is pretty simple, just ease up on the bad food.  My recent trip to Ontario and Quebec was tough.  A lot of eating out, a lot of poutines, and a lot of generally less healthy food than I eat normally.  I need to get back to my whole foods and then I'm hoping my weight will start coming off.

As always, it's a tricky balancing act of losing fat and not muscle. 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm Hot

I had previously thought I was pretty good running in the heat.  A trip to Hawaii changed that.

It was in early November, cool by Hawaiian standards, but I was going from freezing temperatures in Vancouver to high-20's.  I had run RVM about a month prior.  I felt pretty good running in the coolness of Vancouver, but a tempo lap around Diamond Head proved too much.

I'm in Eastern Canada right now and the area is going through a heat wave.  Ottawa was cool, but Toronto, Quebec, and Montreal have been down right muggy.  The temperature is hovering around 30 but the Humidex shows that it will feel like 40+  My longer runs have proven to be, er... disappointing.  A slow six miler had me stopping 2-3 times, my speedwork was way off pace and my tempo was slow and shortened.  I can unequivocally say, I was suffering in all of them.  Also, I can unequivocally say that I suck in the heat.

But like most things that are uncomfortable, there is a significant benefit...

I love racing in the fall.  You get to train in warm/hot days, but then get a nice cool weather to race in.

I actually figured out why I was good running in the heat years ago.  I never pushed myself whether it was warm, cold or whatever.  When it was warm out, I had so much buffer that they were easy too.  

Now, when I run, I just do the best I can.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Planes, Trains, Automobiles

I'm doing my Eastern Canadian road trip..  Plane to Ottawa, train to Toronto and Montreal, and automobile to Quebec City.

My normal routes in Vancouver are well worn, so it's always kinda exciting running out of the ordinary.  For my first out of town run, I went to the track and did 400m repeats, but the next run was around my sister's neighbourhood.  I got lost.  I don't have a very good sense of direction at the best of times.  I'm wandering back and I'm slowing down 'cause I have no idea if I'm headed in the right direction, and lo and behold I spot a deer in the middle of the road.  The deer ran away, but for a second I thought, maybe I should chase after him, but then I thought, who the hell am I, Bear Grylls?

I really do love running in new places.  It's fun to see new things.  And sure, you might get lost, but sometimes after getting lost, it might allow you to see some pretty cool things.

PS Happy Canada Day